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Locomotive Horn Test Kit - 15'
Pine Environmental

Locomotive Horn Test Kit - 15'

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #54985

Ideal solution to monitor real time locomotive horns.   Our horn test kits are equipped with a Quest SoundPro DL, 15' extension cable and tripod.   This allows for the mic to be placed at 15' to conduct the horn test.


Extends up to 15 feet

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

Octive Band Analysis1/3 1/1
Standards/ApprovalsIEC 61326-1 (2005) IEC 61672-1 (2002) ANSI S1.4 (R2006) ANSI S1.43 (R2007) IEC 61260 (2001) ANSI S1.11 (R2009) CE WEEE RoHS
Time ResponseFast Impulse Slow
Application TypeArea Monitoring (Sound Level Meter)
Battery Life25 hours >10 hours
Data LoggingYes
Measurement ParametersSPL Dose Sel Peak TWA Taktm Ldn Ln PDOSE CNEL Exposure C-A Lavg/Leq 1/1 and 1/3 Octave Max Min
Microphone Class/TypeType 1 Type 2
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