
Health & Safety Policy

This policy establishes and communicates the company’s policy concerning the protection of safety and health of the company’s employees and other persons affected by the company’s business activities.

The management team of Pine recognize that our people are our key resource and that the promotion and improvement of a positive Health and Safety culture is essential to the management and success of the business.

The management for each business and location will be responsible for the safety performance within their sphere of responsibility. Everyone within Pine is responsible to ensure that they take reasonable care of their own Health and Safety and the Safety of others.

Statutory requirements and market accepted best practice guidelines will be adopted as a company wide minimum level of performance.

In particular the Company will:

  • Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Record and report performance.
  • Complete risk assessments and introduce appropriate controls to reduce risk to as low as is reasonably achievable.
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees and others to perform their responsibilities safely and efficiently.
  • Consult and involve employees at all level of the business.
  • Provide adequate and appropriate resources including where necessary specialist advice.
  • Review the policy and companies performance and identify areas for setting continual improvement objectives.

All employees, contractors, suppliers and others have a duty to co-operate in the operation of this policy.

Download our HSE Manual here.
