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Pine's Global Telemetry Solutions (GTS™) is a customizable environmental monitoring platform engineered to suit a variety of remote, real-time monitoring applications. The GTS™ utilizes GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) cellular modem technology, GPS, and select data gathering instrumentation, to stream information to your PC, tablets, or smartphone. The GTS™ stations transmit data in near real-time to the cloud-based servers. Our software allows the end-user to view and manage the field data from anywhere an internet connection can be made and export for a specific date and time ranges. Additionally, alarm conditions for specific parameters can be set by the end-user with text and email messaging options available, in near real-time!

Whether your project requires real-time monitoring for dust at a construction site or water quality parameters during remedial injections into groundwater wells, Pine has a solution available through our GTS™ monitoring system. The simple mobilization and setup are what separates the system from any others on the market. Pine has developed numerous application-specific platforms to create diversity and ease of use.

Contact Pine and allow us to work with you on your custom Global Telemetry Solution needs. Our application specialist will help engineer a solution that works for your monitoring requirements

Telemetry Solutions

Equipment available for both rental and purchase

GTS Community/Perimeter Air Monitoring System (CAMP)
GTS Groundwater System
GTS Meteorological System
Pine Environmental
GTS Toxic Gas/Industrial Hygiene Systems
GTS Surface Water System
Aeroqual Dust Sentry Pro
Aeroqual Dust Sentry PM2.5
Aeroqual Dust Sentry PM10
Aeroqual Dust Sentry TSP