Industries & Sectors
Energy Industry
Pine is proud to provide the best rental equipment for industries in the energy sector. Our products are focused on testing, measurement, and data analysis applicable to energy producers. This includes helping customers meet regulatory demands and to sustain their long-term growth projections. Pine has the right equipment for projects in energy exploration and development. Also, we are in stock with the equipment you need for industrial plant turnaround, inspections, and testing.
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Oil & Gas – Upstream, Midstream, Downstream
Pine provides an extensive inventory of rental equipment and field supply sales used within the Oil and Gas industry. We carry the best equipment needed for three major sectors: upstream, midstream, and downstream. The upstream sector of exploration and production (E&P) includes support equipment for searching for potential underground or underwater crude oil and natural gas fields and drilling exploratory wells. The midstream sector involves transportation (by pipeline, rail, barge, an oil tanker, or truck), storage, and wholesale marketing of crude or refined petroleum products. The downstream sector is the refining of oil and processing and purifying of raw natural gas.
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Stored Chemical Energy
Chemical energy is released when bonds form in a chemical reaction, often producing heat as a by-product. There are several stored chemical energy sectors such as batteries, biomass, coal, wood, petroleum, renewables generated (hydrogen, fuel cell, and hydrocarbons), and even food. Batteries as electrochemical energy storage bring great promise in a range of small to large-scale applications. Pine Environmental provides a host of equipment for air and gas monitoring, non-destructive testing, remote visual inspection, and continuous emissions monitoring.
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Pipeline – Liquids and Natural Gas
One of the most effective ways to transport crude oil and natural gas liquids is through pumping stations along a pipeline. Pipeline companies face government regulations to ensure the safety of the pipelines, the environment, and the populations where these pipelines run. Pine has the right equipment for testing and monitoring pipeline assets to keep in compliance with stringent government regulations. This includes UT Inspections, hardness testers, eddy current flaw detectors, ground penetrating radars, positive material (PMI/XRF), remote visual inspection (RVI), calibration services, data analysis services, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
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Oil terminals (also called tank farms or oil depots) are industrial facilities for the storage of oil, petroleum, and petrochemical products, and from which these products are transported to end-users. Pine carries many of the air/gas monitoring, nondestructive testing, and inspection equipment needed for terminal facilities to comply with required health and safety standards. Maintaining Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) requires operators of a depot to ensure that products are safely stored and handled. Tank inspection and testing is a regular process as there must be no leakages which could damage the soil or water table. Fire protection is a primary consideration, especially for the more flammable products such as petrol (gasoline).
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Petroleum in the United States and Canada has been a major industry. Transportation via rail cars, trucks, tanker vessels, and pipelines requires a lot of logistics. The biggest problems with moving this oil are pollution and the chance of being spilled. Pine has many of the equipment items needed for monitoring air/gas quality, nondestructive testing of tank safety standards, field supplies, and personal protective gear.
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Nuclear – Emissions Free
Nuclear power plants produce no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, and throughout its life cycle, nuclear produces about the same amount of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions per unit of electricity as wind energy. Nuclear energy provides nearly 55 percent of America’s carbon-free electricity. Protecting the environment at nuclear power plants extends to safely managing used fuel, protecting water quality, monitoring air quality, preserving and improving habitat for plants and wildlife. All U.S. nuclear energy facilities have extensive environmental programs, which are under the oversight of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and state regulators. We also carry key air/gas and water monitoring equipment to help protect the surrounding environment.
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Renewables – Wind, Solar, Tidal, Hydro
Renewable energy is powering a clean energy revolution today and for our future. By harnessing nature’s power, clean energy is being used for heating, transportation, lighting, and more. We have increasingly innovative and less-expensive ways to capture energy from wind, solar, tidal, hydro, and biomass. Pine Environmental carries the best equipment for monitoring and testing air quality, water level and quality monitoring, field supplies, sound and vibration meters, weather analysis, and global telemetry solutions.
View All ProductsPine’s Energy Application Expertise
Pine is proud to offer the best rental equipment for industries in the energy sector. Our products focus on testing, measurement, and data analysis applicable to energy producers. These include helping customers meet regulatory demands and to sustain their long-term growth projections. Pine has the right equipment for projects in energy exploration and development. Also, we are in stock with the equipment you need for industrial plant turnaround, inspections, and testing.
Pine’s unique added value, services, and customer service make all the difference to great long-term customer relationships.