
General Inquiry

Even though we have made every effort to provide a wealth of information on our web site we realize you still may have questions or need assistance, so this section will help identify how to get in direct contact with the person best qualified to assist you in the most timely manner possible.

General Inquiry Form

We appreciate your interest in Pine’s services. Please note we will respond within the next 24-48 business hours. If you require more immediate attention, please call the branch nearest you at this link: Find a Branch.

Who We Are

Pine is the leading provider of rental equipment in the nation for Environmental Monitoring Equipment, Sampling and Safety Supplies, Non-Destructive Testing and Visual Inspection Instruments, as well as Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMS) Equipment and EPA Protocol Gases.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question about Pine, chances are someone else has had that same question at some point, so we have put together a list of some of our top FAQs.

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