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Hach DR/2400 Portable Spectrophotometer
Hach Ultra Analytics

Hach DR/2400 Portable Spectrophotometer

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #51590

With Hach's new DR/2400 Portable Spectrophotometer, you get:

  • The portable solution you need to optimize your water analysis program, anywhere, anytime.
  • The superior technology you expect in a spectrophotometer.
  • The ease of use you require to support all personnel.
  • The attractive price and value you want.

The DR/2400 Portable Spectrophotometer brings you the technically superior operation and innovative user interface of the popular DR/2500 Spectrophotometer, plus a design that makes it completely portable. Now you can have it all in your photometric water analysis program, whether it's municipal, industrial, environmental, or educational; in the lab, at the process site, or in the field.

Features and benefits
  • Automatic wavelength selection and calibration - Eliminate manual dialing and reduce errors.
  • "Favorite" programs menu -Store your frequently used tests to your own short list for easy access.
  • More than 130 preprogrammed tests - Just call up the test you need, each includes operator prompting selectable in four languages; select ""favorite"" programs quickly; add up to 50 single-wavelength, user-generated calibrations.
  • High-performance optical system - Achieve testing accuracy, instrument stability and longevity found in higher priced systems.
  • Graphic user interface with touch-screen display - Navigate easily through setup and testing with the touch of your finger; replaces the traditional keypad, repetitive scrolling, and keystroke combinations.
  • Comprehensive data management - Select time/date stamp, operator and sample ID; collect up to 1000 data points; download via RS-232 communication directly to printer or computer.
  • Battery-powered/compact size - Benefit from sophisticated spectrophotometer capability anywhere; line power converter included with instrument.
  • Programmed accuracy checks - Improve test technique and results with built-in, software-assisted standard additions checks.
  • Update capability - Keep your hardworking system updated with new Hach tests, using the plug-in Update Module programmed with new test calibrations; you add the calibration to your instrument memory without tedious keying sequences.
  • Accessories as you need them   - Pay only for the options you need, including HachLinkâ"ž ¢ Software for data formatting, the Pour-Thru Cell for convenient and accurate high-volume testing, and a variety of sample cells to match your requirements. Available alone or as a completely equipped portable laboratory: take your DR/2400 Portable Spectrophotometer wherever needed.
Quantity must be 1 or more
