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Duracell Procell AA Batteries 24/bx
Pine Environmental

Duracell Procell AA Batteries 24/bx

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Pine Item #13442B
Procell Alkaline AA industrial batteries are general-purpose batteries, ideal for powering mid and low-drain professional devices, such as smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, security keypads, remote controls, wireless mice, keyboards, motion sensors, and flushometers. Also available in AAA, C, D, and 9V sizes.

Reliable Performance

Excellent resistance to corrosion

Designed to meet all major quality, safety and environmental standards:

Safety: IEC 60086-5

ANSI C 18.1M, Part-2

EU Battery Directive

Quality: ISO 14001 and 9001, Duracell World Class Continuous Improvement Program


Remote Controls


Security Keypads

Wireless Mouse

Quantity must be 1 or more

SafetyIEC 60086-5
ANSI C18.1M, Part-2
QualityISO 14001 and 9001, Duracell World
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