Pine not only strives to be your supplier of quality, well maintained and leading edge instrumentation and support, but to help save you time and enhance your project efficiency, we also carry the consumable items you need to get the job done efficiently and effectively. From buckets and labels to an array of safety supplies in a wide variety of sizes and types, to assorted including tubing such as LDPE and HDPE tubing, FEP and FEP lined tubing, silicon, PVC, and others. We also represent a wide variety of bailer manufacturers and can provide the specific bailer type that you may need for your project along with required field filters for your sampling needs. We can also carry sorbent products from SPC and SpillTech and the necessary decontamination supplies for keeping your project clean and contaminant free. Contact us for your Health and Safety supplies as well such as Tyvek, Tychem, FRC clothing, respirators and respiratory protection supplies, personal gas monitors, nitrile and other specialty gloves, respiratory protection supplies, head and eye protection materials, and hearing protection as well. Semperguard Nitrile powdered gloves are NOW 20% OFF!
Pine’s carries lines from industry leading suppliers such as RAE Systems, YSI, Aqua Bailers, PortaGas, Draeger, Rite in the Rain, ERB Safety, Geotech Environmental, Waterra and many more.
This represents just a small portion of the materials that we provide and we encourage you to contact us for any field supply that may be required for your project. A supportive supply line is important to our customers and we are willing to stock the items that you need most.
Example consumables and safety items that we carry:

Calibration Gas: Air
- Ammonia
- Benzene
- Butane
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Chlorine
- Ethylene Oxide

Personal Protective Equipment
- Ear Plugs
- Gloves
- Head Protection
- Safety Sun Glasses
- Safety Vests
- Tyvex Clothing
- Haz Mat Booties

Sample Accessories
- Bailer cord
- Bailers
- Filters
- Tubing
- Tedlar Bags
- Miscellaneous

Rite in the Rain Field Books
- Buckets
- Cleaning/Decon - Alconox
- Labels
- Steel Drums