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YSI 6820 Multiparameter Instrument

YSI 6820 Multiparameter Instrument

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #51679

A cost-effective sampling system with 14-parameter reporting capability, the YSI 6820 is ideal for profiling and spot-checking in lakes, rivers, wetlands, wells, estuaries, and coastal waters. The YSI 6820 measures nine parameters simultaneously, including dissolved oxygen, using the YSI Rapid PulseTM stirring-independent sensor and turbidity or chlorophyll, using a sensor with a self-cleaning feature for long deployments, or a standard sensor for simple sampling. Even though the YSI 6820 is small in size it is designed to sink without additional weight.

RS-232 and SDI-12 are standard; the YSI 6820 easily interfaces with a YSI 6200 Data Acquisition System, many other data collection platforms for long-term deployment, or a YSI 650 Multiparameter Display System for sampling.

All YSI 6-Series sondes can be used with YSI EcoWatch for Windows software. EcoWatch is communication and data processing software that is fast and easy-to-use. See the whole picture with a single program, obtain statistics easily, merge data files, and run large studies.


  • Ideal for sampling
  • Easy connection to the YSI 650 Handheld Multiparameter Display System or YSI 6200 Data Collection Platform
  • Field-replaceable probes
  • CE compliant Retrieve data on-site or remotely via radio, phone or satellite
Quantity must be 1 or more
