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YSI 556 MPS 556-02 Multiparameter Instrument with Barometer

YSI 556 MPS 556-02 Multiparameter Instrument with Barometer

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #51658

Featuring a waterproof IP-67, impact-resistant case, the YSI 556 MPS simultaneously measures dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, temperature, and ORP. Or, simply purchase the cable to measure DO, conductivity, and temperature if needed. The YSI 556 MPS conforms to GLP standards.

Multiparameter Instrument (carrying case (5061) and PC adaptor RS-232 included) used with the 556 handheld instrument.


Field-replaceable DO, pH, and pH/ORP probes

RS-232 and Compatible with EcowatchTM for WindowsTM data analysis software

Easy-to-use, screw-on cap DO membranes

User-upgradable software from YSI website

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

Buffer RecognitionYes
Connectivity / CommunicationsRS-232 Serial
ConnectorMS (military spec) waterproof with bayonet lock
GLP ComplianceYes
Graphic DisplayGraphic
Measurement RangeDissolved Oxygen-0 to 500% air saturation/0 to 50 mg/L, Temperature--5 to 45°C, Conductivity-0 to 200 mS/cm, Salinity-0 to 70 ppt, pH-0 to 14 units, ORP --1999 to +1999 mV, (auto range), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)-0 too 100 g/L
Parameters MeasuredDissolved Oxygen, pH, Conductivity, Temperature, ORP
Poweroptional rechargeable pack, 4 alkaline C-cells
Unit of MeasureTotal Dissolved Solids (TDS)-g/L, ORP-mV, Temperature-°C, Salinity-ppt, Conductivity-mS/cm, mg/L, pH- units, Dissolved Oxygen-% air saturation
User CalibratableYes
User ReplaceableYes
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