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Olympus ChainSCANNER XY38
Olympus ChainSCANNER XY38
Olympus IMS

Olympus ChainSCANNER XY38

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #55062

The ChainSCANNER XY38 provides a manual pipe-inspection solution for pipes ranging from 45 mm to 965 mm OD (1.75 to 38 in. OD). The scanner, held by chain links instead of magnetic wheels, is well suited for weld or corrosion inspection on various material types, using UT, TOFD, and PA technologies.

The ChainSCANNER XY38 facilitates the manual inspection of pipes with outside diameters of 45 mm to 965 mm (1.75 in. to 38 in.), offering the possibility for two-axis encoding. The scanner, which is held by chain links instead of magnetic wheels, is able to inspect ferromagnetic or nonferromagnetic surfaces. The chain links also help ensure a straight displacement of the scanner by eliminating steering problems. Finally, it is useful when the area around the pipe is difficult to access as the scanner can be rotated around the pipe using the chain links.


Standard configuration using one or two probes and optional configuration using four probes for TOFD phased array or pulse-echo inspections.

Pipe range with outside diameters from 45 mm to 965 mm (1.75 in. to 38 in.)

Encoded manual scan on one or two axis (depend on the model)

Ergonomic handle to protect encoder connectors and provide cable management

Independent chain links mounted on bearings wheels coated with urethane for smooth rolling

Easy clamping device for quick scanner positioning

Spring-loaded probe holders ensuring good probe contact in any scanner position or orientation

The majority of adjustments can be made without the use of tools

Compatible with the OmniScan® the TomoScan FOCUS LT™ (with optional adaptor) and other instruments using the appropriate encoder cable


Circumferential-pipe weld inspections with phased array, TOFD, or conventional UT

Corrosion mapping of small areas with phased array or conventional UT (using XY; 2 encoder models)

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

Pipe range outside diameter45 mm (1.75 in.) to 965 mm (38 in.)
X axis encoder Resolution:19.2 steps/mm +/- 0.15 steps/mm quadrature decode
X axis encoder Power:5 VDC 100 mA
X axis encoder Frequency:0-2 kHz (for a maximum displacement velocity per second of 10 cm [4 in.])
Y axis encoder Resolution:226.8 steps/mm +/- 0.15 steps/mm quadrature decode
Y axis encoder Power:5 VDC 25 mA
Y axis encoder Frequency:0-25 kHz (for a maximum displacement velocity per second of 10 cm [4 in.])
Operating temperature5 °C to 50 °C (41 °F to 122 °F)
Storage temperature-30 °C to 60 °C (-22 °F to 140 °F)
Relative humidityMax 80% RH noncondensing
Wet locationYes
AltittudeUp to 2000 m
Outdoor useYes
Pollution level1
IP ratingWaterproof (designed to meet IP67)
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