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Fischer MP30 Deltascope

Fischer MP30 Deltascope

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #54277

DELTASCOPE MP30 is used to measure non-ferrous metal coatings (e.g., chromium, copper, zinc, etc.) and paint, enamel or plastic coatings on iron and steel.

The auto averaging mode is used to reduce the effect of surface roughness on the measurement data range. The mean value of an arbitrary number of readings is stored as a single measurement.

Outlier rejection can be enabled to assure the validity of a measurements series statistical evaluation by eliminating outlier measurements which may be caused by faulty probe placement.

The additional matrix measurement mode enables simple storing of associated measurement data by respective data block (according to specific feature), allowing individual measurements to be made a different times. This measurement mode is ideally suited for applications in the steel and automotive


Simple calibration adjustment to the test area geometry with the ZERO key

Ability to calibrate on a coating of unknown thickness (for magnetic induction method only)

A maximum of 10000 measurements can be stored in 1000 blocks in up to 100 applications. The size of a block can either be selected freely or can be fixed

Standard and matrix measurement mode

Single measurement mode. Only the mean value of several single readings is stored

Unit of measurement selectable between U.S. and metric units

Outlier rejection to eliminate erroneous measurements

Input of specification limits

Easily exchangeable plug-in type smart measurement probes

Automatic probe recognition


Automotive industry

Paint manufacturing and processing


Test institutes

Aeronautics industry

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

DimensionsUS: 6.3 x 3.15 x 1.2 in. Metric: 160 x 80 x 30 mm
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